Enjoy These Wildlife Studies
Instructional DVD’s Limited Available
Featured Item: DVD – Carving the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Ram $25.00
“Carving the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Ram” is a real time (approximately 2 hours) demonstration of my philosophy of leather carving as presented in my home study course “Realistic Leather Carving”. Find out why drawing, transferring, cutting and tooling a pattern into the leather is much more that just tracing lines and then trying to follow them twice more without giving it your full attention.
These video clips will give you a preview of what is in the DVDs. Paul’s words: I decided to do these demonstrations in real time because I wanted to make sure you understand the whole process, from making a layout to signing the picture once completed. I wanted to show the thinking process that goes into making a good layout and how important it is that you understand what every line represents. I wanted you to see and hear how I plan to cut every one of those lines (or not cut them) based on sound reasoning and understanding of the form, texture and space of the subject. I wanted you to see me cut every line because every line is cut according to the form, texture and space it represents. There is a reason that the cut lines of a subject are not all cut at the same depth and you need to know the reasons in order to achieve a realistic portrayal of the animal. Drawing, transferring, cutting and tooling a pattern into the leather is much more that just tracing lines and then trying to follow them twice more without giving it your full attention.
I decided to offer this video, “Carving [and tooling] the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Ram”, in real time (approximately 2 hours), with very little editing. I wanted to use this magnificent animal as my demonstration because it offers an excellent chance to teach you the versatility of the common modeling spoon. In my 45 years of teaching I have learned that the knowledge of realistic modeling is a shortfall in the leather world. I hope that when you finish this exercise you will have most of your modeling problems solved and realize the potential of good modeling as regards to realistic carving. It can be the very “life” of an animal portrait.
By watching the whole process you should gleam an understanding of moisture content (leather humidity), and tools and their function in regard to rendering an artistic and pictorial representation of the animal; not just this ram, but any subject you would like to artistically define in leather.
So here it is, complete with every thought process and detailed explanation of the tools used to make the ram “come alive” in the leather. Remember the old saying: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Determine with careful thought and observation what might have kept you from achieving the results you wanted in the past. Watch my video. THINK! THEN DO! Paul Burnett

Buy the full DVD and learn more!
Carving the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Ram:
Featured Item: DVD – Painting the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Ram $25.00
Paul has offered the “Painting the Big Horn Ram Video” in real time so that he can show you every stroke made with the brush and paint. Paul takes you step-by-step through each phase of the painting process; from the Lights, Light Halftones, Dark Halftones and then the Dark. He explains each process as he makes this animal come to “life”. Along the way he offers plenty of painting tips and knowledge of the painting tools he has discovered over his 40 years of painting leather pictures.
You will see before your very eyes the important role that tooling plays in the finished product. You will discover how to mix your paints in order to allow the tooling to “paint” many areas of this animal. Everything you learn and see in this video are essential painting lessons that will help you paint almost anything. Don’t think of this as a video on how to paint a ram, but two hours of valuable instructions on the technique of painting
Also included with the video are painting tips in PDF format so that you can understand the language of painting and how to shape and use the brushes to aid you in blending the colors for a realistic portrayal of the Big Horn Ram.

Buy the full DVD to learn more!
Painting the Big Horn Ram:
Download PDF Painting tips – No Charge